However, the corresponding tab still displays "Custom Object 1" instead of "New Products." Where in the application will you resolve this issue?

Organization has a need to leverage custom objects to create a new record type called “New
Products.” You’ve configured most fields needed for the new record type. However, the
corresponding tab still displays “Custom Object 1” instead of “New Products.”
Where in the application will you resolve this issue?

Organization has a need to leverage custom objects to create a new record type called “New
Products.” You’ve configured most fields needed for the new record type. However, the
corresponding tab still displays “Custom Object 1” instead of “New Products.”
Where in the application will you resolve this issue?

“Customize Record Types” under “Application Customization”

“Custom Object 01 Field Setup” under “Application Customization”

“Access Profiles” under “User Management & Access Controls”

“Product Categories” under “Content Management”

“Product under “Content Management”


To rename a record type
1 In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
2 In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
3 In the Application Setup section, click the Customize Record Types li nk.
4 On the Customize Record Types page, type the new names in the appropriate row. You must
supply all three variations for the application to use in the appropriate areas of the interface: Display
Display Name/Plural, and Display Name/Short.

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In the Application Setup section, click the Customize Record Types link.
On the Customize Record Types page, type the new names in the appropriate row.