Which commands will set a regular users password so it forces them to change it every 60 days?
(Choose all that apply)
passwd -x 60 user
chage -M 60 user
passwd +x 60 user
usermod -f 60 user
from the man pages:
chage – change user password expiry information
-M, –maxdays MAX_DAYS Set the maximum number of days during which a password is valid. When MAX_DAYS plus LAST_DAY is less than the current day, the user will be required to change his/her password before being able to use his/her account. This occurrence can be planned for in advance by use of the -W option, which provides the user with advance warning.
passwd – change user password
-x, –maxdays MAX_DAYS Set the maximum number of days a password remains valid. After MAX_DAYS, the password is required to be changed.