what are the correct steps to create a pool 5 and add cleaning cartridges to that pool?

Using ACSLS, what are the correct steps to create a pool 5 and add cleaning cartridges to that

Using ACSLS, what are the correct steps to create a pool 5 and add cleaning cartridges to that

Define pool 5, set scratch on, and then set clean for volume range

Define pool 5, set scratch off, and then set clean for volume range

Define pool 5 and set clean for volume range

Can’t define clean tapes to a specific pool

To define cleaning cartridges to ACSLS:
1. Make the CAP ready for entry.
See “Entering Cartridges” on page 86 for more information.
2. Enter the cleaning cartridges.
The cmd_proc displays messages with the cartridge IDs of the cartridges
you enter.
3. To set the cleaning cartridge attribute:
set clean max_usage vol_id | volrange
max_usage is the number of times a cleaning cartridge is used before
ACSLS stops selecting the cartridge to clean cartridges.
vol_id | volrange specifies the cleaning cartridge or range of
cartridges that you entered in Step 2.
Note 1: The set clean command sets cleaning cartridge attributes.
set clean max_usage | off vol_id | volrange
max_usage | off
specifies the number of times a cleaning cartridge is used before ACSLS
stops selecting the cartridge to clean drives. off specifies that ACSLS will not
select the cartridge and redefines the cartridge as a data cartridge.
Note: Use the set clean command to set the number of times ACSLS will select a

cleaning cartridge. You also use set clean to set a cartridge’s cleaning
cartridge attribute off, which you do if you have incorrectly defined a data
cartridge as a cleaning cartridge.
StorageTek ACSLS, Automated Cartridge System Library Software, Defining Cleaning

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