What is the correct sequence to create an ACSLS backup?

What is the correct sequence to create an ACSLS backup?

What is the correct sequence to create an ACSLS backup?

Log in as “root” and enter a “db_command go”

Log in as “acsss” and enter a “db_coramand start”

Log in as “root” and enter a “bdb.acsss”

Log in as “acsss” and enter the “bdb.acsss” command

Backing up to a Specified Tape Device Attached to the ACSLS Server
To back up the ACSLS database to a specified tape device attached to
the ACSLS server, do the following:
1. Log in as acsss.
2. Insert a blank tape into the tape device.
3. From a terminal window, enter the following command:
bdb.acsss -f tape_device
Where tape_device specifies a tape device attached to the ACSLS
StorageTek ACSLS, Automated Cartridge System Library Software, Backing up to a
Specified Tape Device Attached to the ACSLS Server

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