The 7000-series system has the ability to archive data sets (statistics):
only while they are being examined in Analytics
only for one month
for one month at one second granularity, and then 12 months at one hour granularity
only for 12 months
The following actions may be performed on statistics/datasets:
* archieve
Sets the statistic to be permanently opened and archived to disk. If the statistic had
already been opened, then all cached data in memory is also archived to disk.Archiving statistics creates permanent datasets, visible in theDatasets view (those
with a non-zero “on disk” value). This is how statistics may be recorded 24×7, so that
activity from days, weeks and months in the past can be viewed after the fact.
* open
* close
* destroy
* Suspend
* resume
Note:A dataset refers to all existing data for a particular statistic.Datasets contain:
*Statistic data cached in memory due to the statistic being opened or archived.
*Archived statistic data on disk.
Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide,datasets, actions