In a company XYZ, the HR User wants to store the Long Service Bonus amount based on the
number of years of service. For 0 to 5 years of service, the value is 40,000 USD; for 6 to 7 years,
the value is 45,000 USD; for 8 to 10 years, the value is 47,000 USD and for service above 10
years ft is 55,000 USD. How can this be maintained in a User Defined Table?
Create a User Defined Table with the Match Type set as Match and Key Unit of Measure as
Number. In the Table Values, specify the Upper and Lower Bound of years of service and
applicable allowance value.
Create a User Defined Table with the Match Type set as Match and Key Unit of Measure as
Text. In the Table Values, specify the Upper and Lower Bound of years of service and applicable
allowance value.
Create a User Defined Table with the Match Type set as Range and Key Unit of Measure as
Number. In the Table Values, specify the Upper and Lower Bound of years of service and
applicable allowance value.
Create a User Defined Table with the Match Type set as Range and Key Unit of Measure as
Text. In the Table Values, specify the range of years of service and applicable allowance value.
Create a User Defined Table with the Match Type set as Range and Key Unit of Measure as
Date. In the Table Values, specify the Upper and Lower Bound of years of service and applicable
allowance value.