In SSHR, how can you configure the Transfer page to display only a few segments of the
Additional Assignment Details DFF?
Through personalization, change the value in the Render column to True.
Through personalization, enter the segments in the Flex Segment List using the following
format: context1 | segment 1| segment2|| context2| segment1.
Mark the segments mandatory while defining the DFF segments to make them visible on the
SSHR Page.
Through personalization, enter the segments in the Flex Segment List using the following
format: context1, context2.
Mark displayed false for all the segments while defining DFF and enables only those required
on the Transfers page using personalization.
Specification of Context and Segment Names in the Segment List field through SSHR
Personalization achieves the display of selected DFF Segments
To display all flexfield segments, leave the Flex Segment List field blank. To display only selected
segments, enter the segments in the Flex Segment List using the following format:
context1|segment1|segment||context2|segment 1
For example,Global Data Element|New Employer|Address||US|Zip Code
Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide ,
Configuring Flexfields