Which statement regarding Oracle VDI role-based administration is correct?

Your customer would like role-based administration set up. Which statement regarding Oracle
VDI role-based administration is correct?

Your customer would like role-based administration set up. Which statement regarding Oracle
VDI role-based administration is correct?

Although the rootuser is the default OracleVDIadministrator, additional OracleVDI
administrators mustbe valid usersin the CompanyLDAPdirectory servicebefore assigningthemrolebased privileges.

Although the rootuser is thedefaultOracleVDIadministrator, additional OracleVDI administrators
can beany valid user on an Oracle VDI host.

The rootuserthe onlyOracleVDIadministrator allowed privileges, however, you can
varythoseprivileges according tothe type ofrole.

Although the rootuser is thedefaultOracle VDIadministrator, any domain adminuser is
automaticallyelevated to OracleVDIadministrator.

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