A CMT session bean named MrBean contains a method storeStuff which is annotated as follows:
22. @TransactionAttributeO”ransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
23. public void storeStuffO {
All other methods of this bean have no transaction annotations. Given the following part of an ejbjar.xml:
23. <container-transaction>
24. <method>
25. <ejb-name>MrBean</ejb-name>
26. <method-name>*</method-name>
27. </method>
28. <transaction-attribute>NotSupported</transaction-attribute>
29. </container-transaction>
Which statement is correct about the methods in MrBean?
Allmethods of MrBean have transaction attribute REQUIRED.
All methodsofMrBean have transactionattribute NONSUPPORTED.
MethodstoreStuffhastransactionattributeREQUIRES_NEWandthe other methods have
transaction attribute REQUIRED.
Method storeStuff has transaction attribute NONSUPPORTED and the other methods have
transaction attribute REQUIRED.
Method storeStuff has transaction attribute REQUIRES NEWandthe other
methodshavetransaction attribute NOT SUPPORTTED.