Which of the following options will speed up traceroute for distant network queries?

Which of the following options will speed up traceroute for distant network queries?

Which of the following options will speed up traceroute for distant network queries?





A) -n Do not try to map IP addresses to host names when displaying them.
B) -p port For UDP tracing, specifies the destination port base traceroute will use (the destination port number will be incremented by each probe). For ICMP tracing, specifies the initial icmp sequence value (incremented by each probe too). For TCP specifies just the (constant) destination port to connect.
C) -t tos For IPv4, set the Type of Service (TOS) and Precedence value. Useful values are 16 (low delay) and 8 (high throughput). Note that in order to use some TOS precendence values, you have to be super user. For IPv6, set the Traffic Control value.
D) -O option Specifies some method-specific option. Several options are separated by comma (or use several -O on cmdline). Each method may have its own specific options, or many not have them at all. To print information about available options, use -O help.

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