which three are true about the EJB business component tier?

A developer needs to deliver a large-scale enterprise application that connects to legacy systems.
If the developer chooses an EJB 3.0-compliant application server, which three are true about the

EJB business component tier? (Choose three.)

A developer needs to deliver a large-scale enterprise application that connects to legacy systems.
If the developer chooses an EJB 3.0-compliant application server, which three are true about the

EJB business component tier? (Choose three.)

Load-balancing is NOTaguarantee forallEJB 3.0 containers.

Clustering is guaranteed tobe supported by theEJB 3.0 container.

Thread pooling can be optimizedbythe BeanProviderprogrammatically.

Bean Providers are NOT required towritecode for transaction demarcation.

Support for server fail-over is guaranteedforan EJB 3.0-compliant application server.

EJB3.0-compliantcomponentsare guaranteed to workwithinanyJavaEE5 application server.

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