You have a ticket from a new user on the system, indicating that he cannot log in to his
account. The information in the ticket gives you both the username and password. The
ticket also shows that the account was set up three days ago. As root, you switch users to
this account with the following command: su – newuser You do not get an error message.
You then run 1s -1a and see the following files: local1.cshrc local1.login local1.profile
.bash_history .bashrc .profile As root, you grep the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/shadow file
for this username, with these results: /etc/passwd contains
newuser:x:60012:10:/home/newuser:/usr/bin/bash /etc/shadow contains newuser:UP: : : :
:10: : As root, what is your next logical step?
Usermod –f 0
useradd –D
passwd newuser
mkdir /home/newuser
Sorrry!! it will be C