What data will this command report?

Consider the following command: zonestat –q –r physical-memory –R high –z dbzone –p –p
“zones” 10 24h 60m What data will this command report?

Consider the following command: zonestat –q –r physical-memory –R high –z dbzone –p –p
“zones” 10 24h 60m What data will this command report?

The dbzone’s physical memory usage every hour for a day, displaying the 10 higher usage
intervals for each hour.

All the dbzone’s resource usage, excluding physical memory, 10 times an hour for a day.

The dbzone’s CPU, virtual memory, and networking utilization every hour for a day, displaying
top 10 usage intervals.

The dbzone’s memory and CPU utilization every 10 seconds for a day, displaying peak usage
each hour.

The dbzone’s physical memory usage every 10 seconds for a day. displaying peak usage each

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