Identify the result of a subsequent process crash.

The following information describes the current dump configuration of your server: Assume that
the following command lines have been run on a system: (root) # coreadm –g
$HOME/var/core/%m.core.%f.%t (non-root) $ coreadm –p core.%f.%p Identify the result of a
subsequent process crash.

The following information describes the current dump configuration of your server: Assume that
the following command lines have been run on a system: (root) # coreadm –g
$HOME/var/core/%m.core.%f.%t (non-root) $ coreadm –p core.%f.%p Identify the result of a
subsequent process crash.

The nonroot copy will include the day of the process crash.

The global format will override the per-process format.

The global core dump is disabled, so a core file will not be saved.

The root copy will include the taskid of the process.

A copy of a core file will appear in the process’ current working directory.

A copy of a core file will appear in /var/core.


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