What is the correct output of the above query?

Evaluate the following query: SELECT INTERVAL 300′ MONTH, INTERVAL 54-2′ YEAR
TO MONTH, INTERVAL ’11:12:10.1234567′ HOUR TO SECOND FROM dual; What is the
correct output of the above query?

Evaluate the following query: SELECT INTERVAL 300′ MONTH, INTERVAL 54-2′ YEAR
TO MONTH, INTERVAL ’11:12:10.1234567′ HOUR TO SECOND FROM dual; What is the
correct output of the above query?

+25-00, +54-02, +00 11:12:10.123457

+00-300, +54-02, +00 11:12:10.123457

+25-00, +00-650, +00 11:12:10.123457

+00-300, +00-650, +00 11:12:10.123457

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