Users report this error message when inserting rows into the orders table: ERROR atline1:
ORA-01654f:unable to extend index USERS.ORDERS_IND by 8in tablespace INDEXES
You determine that the indexes tablespace is out of space and there is no free space on the
filesystem used by the Oracle database. Which two must you do to fix this problem without
affecting currently executing queries?
rebuild the index online moving it to another tablespace that has enough free space for
the index
perform an on line table rebuild using dbns_redefir.ition.
coalesce the indexes tablespace
drop and re-create the index
coalesce the orders„ind index
This is yet another poorly framed question.
in Locally managed TBS, do we really need coalesce?
coalesce will be useful only for Dict managed olden TBS
E- alter index .. coalesce (Coalesce does not return space back to DB, it stays reserved for your index and so may be reused without new allocation. and coalesce is very “lock friendly” – no locking. )
dbms_redefinition with table along with index also does rebuilding but here there is no word about table so we can ignore B