An organization has re-implemented one of its systems but has not moved history. One
database has data for all years up to 2010 and the other has data for years from 2011 to the
present. The organization needs data from the years 2010 and 2011 on a single report. How
can you model this in the RPD?
By creating two Logical Fact Tables for each database
By creating joins in the physical model so it looks like a single table
By creating two logical table sources, that specify in Content tab using the Fragmentation
content areas to specify the years for each source
By creatingtwo logical table sourcesand checkingthe“This Source should be combined
with other sources at this level”box leaving the Fragmentation content area blank.
By creatingonelogical table sources and checkingthe“This Source should be combined
with other sources at this level” box
C) the E), both C) and E) are correct