What is the mt operation that will position the tape on the first block of the second file?

You need to recover some data from a magnetic tape and it is the second file on the media. The following command is being attempted:

f /dev/nst0 _______

What is the mt operation that will position the tape on the first block of the second file? (Please specify the operation with no other parameters)

You need to recover some data from a magnetic tape and it is the second file on the media. The following command is being attempted:

f /dev/nst0 _______

What is the mt operation that will position the tape on the first block of the second file? (Please specify the operation with no other parameters)

Answer: asf 2

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IMHO the answer is: fsf 1

bsf: because asf rewind the tape and execute fsf so fsf is simpler and the right one, i think.
1: you are going to be positioned at the end of the file so: 0 is the beginning of the tape, 1 is the end of file 1 and 2 is the end of file 2.