Which two are true about allocation of costs to cost centers for the charges associated with serviceprovisioned targets?

Which two are true about allocation of costs to cost centers for the charges associated with
serviceprovisioned targets?

Which two are true about allocation of costs to cost centers for the charges associated with
serviceprovisioned targets?

Each Self-Service Application user is their own cost center.

Each Self-Service Application user is their own cost center hierarchy with other users of
the same department.

Cost center hierarchies may be imported from an LDAP server into the Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control framework.

A database instance created by a self-service portal user inherits the cost center of the
template creator by default.

Each Self-Service Application users that are not defined in any hierarchy are only
reflected in the charges for SSA user cost center.

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A,C and E

Use Cost Centers to Allocate Charges

Charges calculated by the universal and extended charge plans are allocated to cost centers. Every self service user is effectively their own cost center, hence charges associated with their self service portal activity are allocated to them.
To take advantage of chargeback’s ability to help track and recoup operating costs, you should build your own cost center hierarchy that reflects the hierarchy of your organization. Self service users can be then included in your hierarchy, after which charges for any servers or services they request will roll up to ascendant cost centers. laaS and PaaS zones can also be included if they are for the exclusive use of a single cost center.
The cost center hierarchy can be built within Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c or imported from an LDAP server, allowing you to synchronize with your corporate hierarchy.
Charges for any self service users not included in your cost center hierarchy roll up to the default cost center.
Be mindful that chargeback will not know about your SSA users until they have requested resources from laaS and PaaS zones, and those zones must in turn be known to chargeback. This effectively means that you may have to revisit the cost center SSA user assignments as SSA users become known to chargeback.