Which three statements regarding Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) are correct?

Which three statements regarding Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) are correct? (Choose three)

Which three statements regarding Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) are correct? (Choose three)

ADDM targets the tuning of individual user response times.

ADDM also documents the nonproblem areas of the system.

ADDM analyzes online transaction processing (OLTP) systems only.

An ADDM analysis is performed each time a statspack snapshot is taken.

Each ADDM finding has one or more recommendations associated with it.

ADDM analyzes the snapshots stored in Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) on a regular basis.

ADDM also documents the non-problem areas of the system. For example, wait event classes that are not significantly impacting the performance of the system are identified and removed from the tuning consideration at an early stage, saving time and effort that would be spent on items that do not impact overall system performance. ADDM analysis can be performed over any time period defined by a pair of AWR snapshots taken on a particular instance. Analysis is performed top down, first identifying symptoms and then refining them to reach the root causes of performance problems. Note that ADDM does not target the tuning of individual user response times. Each problem finding is quantified by an impact that is an estimate of the portion of DB time caused by the finding’s performance issue. A problem finding can be associated with a list of RECOMMENDATIONs for reducing the impact of the performance problem .
REF.: Oracle(r) 10g Performance Guide, 6-2

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