Which three are true for a version-enabled table?

Which three are true for a version-enabled table? (choose three)

Which three are true for a version-enabled table? (choose three)

must have a primary key

can be owned by the SYS user

triggers that are not supported for version-enabled tables are deactivated when versioning is enabled

a child table cannot be version-enabled without the parent table being version-enabled

can be enabled or disabled by the table owner only

A – True. Must have a PK. The table that is being version-enabled must have a primary key defined. The primarykey can be a composite (multicolumn) primary key. B – False. Tables owned by SYS CAN’T be version-enabled. C – True . Any triggers that are not supported for version-enabled tables are deactivated when versioning is enabled, and are activated when versioning is disabled. D – True – a workspace can be a parent to one or more workspaces (child workspaces).

By default, when a workspace is created, it is created from the topmost, or LIVE, database workspace. E – False – The owner of a table or a user with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role can disable versioning on the table.

REF: Oracle(r) Application Developer’s Guide – Workspace Manager 10g Release 2 (10.2), 4-40 and  4-44

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