What will be default scope of changes made by using the SET clause of the ALTER SYSTEM statement?

The database was started up using a text parameter file. What will be default scope of changes made by using the SET clause of the ALTER
SYSTEM statement?

The database was started up using a text parameter file. What will be default scope of changes made by using the SET clause of the ALTER
SYSTEM statement?

Only MEMORY is updated.

Only SPFILE values are updated.

Only init<SID>.ora parmeters are updated.

Both SPFILE and MEMORY memoryvalues are updated.

The ALTER SYSTEM statement lets you set, change, or restore to default the values of initialization parameter. If you are using a text initialization parameter file, the ALTER SYSTEM statement changes the value of a parameter only for the current instance, because there is no mechanism for automatically updating initialization parameters on disk. You must update them manually to be passed to a future instance. Using a server parameter file overcomes this limitation.

REF: Oracle(r) 10g Administrator Guide, 2-38

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