What does the Metadata Application Programming Interface (API) allow you to do?

What does the Metadata Application Programming Interface (API) allow you to do?

What does the Metadata Application Programming Interface (API) allow you to do?

repair damaged data dictionary entries

delete data dictionary information about database objects you n o longer need

extract data definition commands from the data dictionary in a variety of formats

prepare pseudocode modules for conversion to Java or PL/SQL programs with a Metadata code generator

When you fetch metadata for an object, you may want to use it to re-create the object in a different database or schema. You may not be ready to make remapping decisions when you fetch the metadata. You may want to defer these decisions until later. To accomplish this, you fetch the metadata as XML and store it in a file or table. Later you can use the submit interface to re-create the object.
The submit interface is similar in form to the retrieval interface. It has an OPENW procedure in which you specify the object type of the object to be created. You can specify transforms, transform parameters, and parse items. You can call the CONVERT function to convert the XML to DDL, or you can call the PUT function to both convert XML to DDL and submit the DDL to create the object.

REF: Oracle(r) Database Utilities, 18-10

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