Which set of steps should Tom use to complete the tasks?

Tom has installed the Oracle software and created an Oracle database with the following settings:
Oracle home: /oracle/OraHome1
Instance name: ora_lmn1
He has created the ora_sc1 script in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory, which contains the commands to
start up and shut down the Oracle services. Tom wants to:
1) start up the database as the start priority 10 in run levels 3 and 4 2) shut down the database as the stop priority 99
Which set of steps should Tom use to complete the tasks?

Tom has installed the Oracle software and created an Oracle database with the following settings:

Oracle home: /oracle/OraHome1
Instance name: ora_lmn1
He has created the ora_sc1 script in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory, which contains the commands to
start up and shut down the Oracle services. Tom wants to:

1) start up the database as the start priority 10 in run levels 3 and 4
2) shut down the database as the stop priority 99

Which set of steps should Tom use to complete the tasks?

1. Edit the /etc/oratab file:
2. Ensure that the run levels are specified in the service script:
chkconfig: 34 10 99
3. Set the script permissions:
chmod 700 ora_sc1
4. Register the service:
chkconfig –add ora_sc1

1. Edit the /etc/oratab file:
2. Ensure that the run levels are specified in the service script:
chkconfig: 99 10 34
3. Set the script permissions:
chmod 700 ora_sc1

1. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart file:
2. Ensure that the run levels are specified in the service script:
chkconfig: 34 10 99
3. Set the script permissions:
chmod 700 ora_sc1
4. Register the service:
chkconfig –add ora_sc1

1. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart file:
2. Ensure that the run levels are specified in the service script:
chkconfig: 34 99 10
3. Set the script permissions:
chmod 700 ora_sc1
4. Register the service:
chkconfig –add dbstart

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