Which statement is true about loading data using the conventional path of SQL*Loader?

Which statement is true about loading data using the conventional path of SQL*Loader?

Which statement is true about loading data using the conventional path of SQL*Loader?

Redo is not generated while performing conventional path loads

No exclusive locks are acquired when the conventional path loads are performed

Only PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE KEY and NOT NULL constraints are checked

Instead of performing transactions, SQL*Loader directly writes data blocks to the data files

INSERT triggers are disabled before the conventional path load and reenabled at the end of the load

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I have the same idea. B



Conventional loads[edit]
In a conventional load, SQL*Loader reads multiple data records from the input file (flat/text file) into a bind array. When the array fills, SQL*Loader passes the data to the Oracle SQL processing mechanism for insertion into the database tables. Oracle SQL processing mechanism will in-turn generates equivalent INSERT statements. All records have to pass through database buffer cache, and only DBWR writes the records to the physical datafiles. Since all data passes through SGA, in case of instance failure recovery is possible. The conventional path load is nondisruptive and work on the same principles that a normal database insert (DML) works, only much faster. Some of its characteristics are outlined below:

When loading data across network (client/server), it is better to user conventional load.
When loading data in clustered tables, only conventional load can be used.
Records loaded will update the associated indexes, enforce any database integrity rules defined (Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check constraints), as the records are loaded.
No exclusive locks are acquired when the conventional path loads are performed.