You are developing a user callout procedure to send an email to the helpdesk whenever a RAC database instance fails to restart after node failure.
Examine these tasks (see exhibit):
Identify the minimum steps required, in the correct sequence, to implement this.
1, 3, 7
1, 4, 6
2, 5, 8
2, 4, 7, 8
2, 4, 7
1, 4, 7, 8
FAN callouts are server-side executables that Oracle Restart executes immediately when high availability events occur.
You can use FAN callouts to automate the following activities when events occur, such as:
Opening fault tracking tickets
Sending messages to pagers
Sending e-mail
Starting and stopping server-side applications
Maintaining an uptime log by logging each event as it occurs
To use FAN callouts, place an executable in the directory grid_home/racg/usrco on both the primary and the standby database servers. If you are using scripts,
then set the shell as the first line of the executable. The following is an example file for the grid_home/racg/usrco/ callout:
#! /bin/ksh
FAN_LOGFILE= [your path name]/admin/log/`hostname`_uptime.log
echo $* “reported=”`date` >> $FAN_LOGFILE &
Note: Oracle has proved options where a script or utility or application (called server side callout), if placed in $GRID_HOME/racg/usrco directory, will be executed
Expert Oracle RAC Performance Diagnostics and Tuning (2014), page 506
F correct
E correct
Executables should only have execute permissions for the grid user
The executable files for FAN callouts are stored in the Grid_home/racg/usrco subdirectory. If this subdirectory does not exist in your Grid home, then you must create this directory with the same permissions and ownership as the Grid_home/racg/tmp subdirectory.
All executables under $GRID_HOME/racg/usrco are executed immediately, in an asynchronous fashion, when a FAN event is received through the Oracle Notification Service (ONS). For most event types, the callout is executed on one node in the cluster (the node generating the event), thus a copy of the executable files used by FAN callouts should be available on every node that runs Oracle Clusterware.
E is correct because we can create any name of callout file not just
This guy create and it works.
I think that you are right!
About FAN Callouts
FAN callouts are server-side executable files that Oracle RAC runs immediately when
high availability events occur. A callout is essentially a shell script or precompiled
executable written in any programming language. Some examples of how you can use
FAN callouts to automate the actions performed when events occur in a cluster
configuration are as follows:
■ Starting and stopping server-side applications
■ Relocating low-priority services when high-priority services come online
■ Sending text or numeric messages to pagers
The executable files for FAN callouts are stored in the Grid_home/racg/usrco
subdirectory. If this subdirectory does not exist in your Grid home, then you must
create this directory with the same permissions and ownership as the Grid_
home/racg/tmp subdirectory.
All executables in the Grid_home/racg/usrco subdirectory are executed immediately,
in an asynchronous fashion, when a FAN event is received through the Oracle
Notification Service (ONS). For most event types, the callout is executed on one node
in the cluster (the node generating the event), thus a copy of the executable files used
by FAN callouts should be available on every node that runs Oracle Clusterware. An
example of a callout script can be found in the section “Oracle RAC FAN Callout Start
Services Script” in the following white paper, available on Oracle Technology Network:
Using Fast Application Notification Callouts
FAN callouts are server-side executables that Oracle RAC executes immediately when
high availability events occur. You can use FAN callouts to automate activities when
events occur in a cluster configuration, such as:
■ Opening fault tracking tickets
■ Sending messages to pagers
■ Sending e-mail
■ Starting and stopping server-side applications
■ Maintaining an uptime log by logging each event as it occurs
■ Relocating low-priority services when high priority services come online
To use FAN callouts, place an executable in the Grid_home/racg/usrco directory
on every node that runs Oracle Clusterware. The executable must be able to run
standalone when called, with optional arguments, from another program. The
following is an example of the Grid_home/racg/usrco/ callout:
#! /bin/bash
FAN_LOGFILE= [your_path_name]/admin/log/’hostname’_uptime’.log
echo $* “reported=”‘date’ >> $FAN_LOGFILE &
Correct Answer is E:
D81250GC10 – Oracle Database 12c: RAC Administration 9-16