What happens when the database that is being accessed by the above binding component goes down?

Composite X invokes an outbound DB adapter to write data to a database table. You have
configured JCA retry at the binding component as follows:
<property name = “jca.retry.count” type=”xs:int” many=”false”
override =”may”>2</property>
<property name = “jca.retry.interval” type=”xs:int” many=”false”
override =”may”>2</property>
You have also modeled a fault policy to retry the invocation three times in case of remoteFault as
What happens when the database that is being accessed by the above binding component goes

Composite X invokes an outbound DB adapter to write data to a database table. You have
configured JCA retry at the binding component as follows:
<property name = “jca.retry.count” type=”xs:int” many=”false”
override =”may”>2</property>
<property name = “jca.retry.interval” type=”xs:int” many=”false”
override =”may”>2</property>
You have also modeled a fault policy to retry the invocation three times in case of remoteFault as
What happens when the database that is being accessed by the above binding component goes

The invocation is retried for a total of two times every two seconds. Fault policy reties are

The invocation is retried for a total of six times every three seconds.

The invocation is retried for a total of six times every two seconds.

The fault policy retries occur within the JCA retries. So, two JCA retries are executed two
seconds apart. Within each fault policy retry, two JCA retries are executed two seconds apart.

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Williams Gómez

Williams Gómez