What is the result when X throws a remoteFault at runtime, assuming that X has no catch blocks defined within it?

You have modeled a composite that has two BPEL processes: X and Y. The WSDL for Y
defines a single portType with a one-way operation. The WSDL for X defines a single
portType with a requestresponse operation. The component property bpel.config.trancation
is set to requiresNew for Process X, and the component property
bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy is set to async.persist for process Y. You have wired
these components so that Y invokes X. What is the result when X throws a remoteFault at
runtime, assuming that X has no catch blocks defined within it?

You have modeled a composite that has two BPEL processes: X and Y. The WSDL for Y
defines a single portType with a one-way operation. The WSDL for X defines a single
portType with a requestresponse operation. The component property bpel.config.trancation
is set to requiresNew for Process X, and the component property
bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy is set to async.persist for process Y. You have wired
these components so that Y invokes X. What is the result when X throws a remoteFault at
runtime, assuming that X has no catch blocks defined within it?

The transactions of X and Y are both rolled back even If you have fault handlers
configured for handling the remote fault in Y.

The transaction of X is rolled back, and process Y gets a remoteFault that can be
caught and handled.

A Fault policy defined for X for handling the remoteFault is triggered and handles
the fault.

The transaction of X is committed, and process gets a Fault back that can be
caught and handled.

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