What would happen to the modified blocks when the CKPT process is started?

In the instance of the PROD database, the checkpoint (CKPT) process runs after every
minute. A database user updates the rows of the ORDERS table. Because of the
configuration, the CKPT process gets initiated before the user commits the transaction.
What would happen to the modified blocks when the CKPT process is started?

In the instance of the PROD database, the checkpoint (CKPT) process runs after every
minute. A database user updates the rows of the ORDERS table. Because of the
configuration, the CKPT process gets initiated before the user commits the transaction.
What would happen to the modified blocks when the CKPT process is started?

The modified blocks would be written to the redo log files.

The modified blocks would be written to the archived redo log files.

The modified blocks would be written to the temp files.

The modified blocks would be written to the data files.

The modified blocks would be written to the control file.

The modified blocks would be retained in the database buffer cache.

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– There would no entry in the redo log files so far the transaction hasn’t yet been committed.

– There would no entry in the data files so far the DBWr writes on the disk(data files) after the LGWr has written to the redo log files (after a COMMIT).