Which three statements are true about the working of system privileges in a multitenant control database (CDB)
that has pluggable databases (PDBs)?
System privileges apply only to the PDB in which they are used.
Local users cannot use local system privileges on the schema of a common user.
The granter of system privileges must possess the set container privilege.
Common users connected to a PDB can exercise privileges across other PDBs.
System privileges with the with grant option container all clause must be granted to a common user before
the common user can grant privileges to other users.
A, Not D: In a CDB, PUBLIC is a common role. In a PDB, privileges granted locally to PUBLIC enable all local
and common users to exercise these privileges in this PDB only.
C: A user can only perform common operations on a common role, for example, granting privileges commonly
to the role, when the following criteria are met:
The user is a common user whose current container is root.The user has the SET CONTAINER privilege granted commonly, which means that the privilege applies in all
The user has privilege controlling the ability to perform the specified operation, and this privilege has been
granted commonly
* Every privilege and role granted to Oracle-supplied users and roles is granted commonly except for system
privileges granted to PUBLIC, which are granted locally.