Which two statements are true about Oracle Managed Files (OMF)?
OMF cannot be used in a database that already has data files created with user-specified directions.
The file system directions that are specified by OMF parameters are created automatically.
OMF can be used with ASM disk groups, as well as with raw devices, for better file management.
OMF automatically creates unique file names for table spaces and control files.
OMF may affect the location of the redo log files and archived log files.
D: The database internally uses standard file system interfaces to create and delete files as needed for the
following database structures:
TablespacesRedo log files
Control files
Archived logs
Block change tracking files
Flashback logs
RMAN backups
* Using Oracle-managed files simplifies the administration of an Oracle Database. Oracle- managed files
eliminate the need for you, the DBA, to directly manage the operating system files that make up an Oracle
Database. With Oracle-managed files, you specify file system directories in which the database automatically
creates, names, and manages files at the database object level. For example, you need only specify that you
want to create a tablespace; you do not need to specify the name and path of the tablespace’s datafile with the
DATAFILE clause.
http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/9i/oracle-managed-files.php http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B10500_01/
What Are Oracle-Managed Files?