What is the result?

Given the element from the web application deployment descriptor:
<jsp property group>
<url pattern>/main/page1.jsp</url pattern>
<scripting invalid>true</scripting invalid>
And given that /main/page1.jsp contains:
<% int i = 12; %>
<b> <%= i %> </b>
What is the result?

Given the element from the web application deployment descriptor:
<jsp property group>
<url pattern>/main/page1.jsp</url pattern>
<scripting invalid>true</scripting invalid>
And given that /main/page1.jsp contains:
<% int i = 12; %>
<b> <%= i %> </b>
What is the result?

<b> <b>

<b> l2 </b>

The JSP fails to execute.

<% int i = 12 %>
<b> <%= i % > < b>

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