Which java code snippet roles "MANAGER&quo…

Which java code snippet roles “MANAGER” and “EMPLOYEE” in a given application?

Which java code snippet roles “MANAGER” and “EMPLOYEE” in a given application?

@DeclareRoles({ “MANAGER”, “EMPLOYEE” })
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {}

@SecurityRoles({ “MANAGER”, “EMPLOYEE” })
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {}

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {}

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {}

* The syntax for declaring more than one role is as shown in the following example:
@DeclareRoles({“Administrator”, “Manager”, “Employee”})
* @DeclareRoles
This annotation declares the security roles defined by the application.
* javax.annotation.security
Annotation Type DeclareRoles
public @interface DeclareRoles
Used by application to declare roles. It can be specified on a class.

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