Which two methods can be used to migrate the on-premise…

You have an Oracle Database 12c on-premise non-CDB database that is running on the
AIX platform.
Which two methods can be used to migrate the on-premise database to a database that is
running in a Database as a Service (DBaaS) instance on Oracle Cloud?

You have an Oracle Database 12c on-premise non-CDB database that is running on the
AIX platform.
Which two methods can be used to migrate the on-premise database to a database that is
running in a Database as a Service (DBaaS) instance on Oracle Cloud?

Remote Cloning

Transporting Tablespaces by using RMAN convert

Data Pump

Transporting Tablespaces by using RMAN “backup from platform”

scpfile copy

You can migrate Oracle Database 12c non-CDB databases from on-premises to Oracle
Database 12c databases in Oracle Database Cloud using several different methods
* Data Pump Conventional Export/Import
This method can be used regardless of the endian format and database character set of

the on-premises database.
* Remote Cloning (non-CDB)
This method can be used only if the on-premises platform is little endian, the on-premises
database release is or higher, and the on-premises database and Database Cloud
Service database have compatible database character sets and national character sets.
You can use the remote cloning method to copy an Oracle Database 12c non-CDB onpremises database to your Oracle Database 12cdatabase in the cloud.
* RMAN CONVERT Transportable Tablespace with Data Pump
This method can be used only if the database character sets of your on-premises database
and Oracle Database Cloud Service database are compatible.
* RMAN Cross-Platform Transportable Tablespace Backup Sets
This method can be used only if the database character sets of your on-premises database
and Oracle Database Cloud Service database are compatible.

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Remote cloning can be used only if the on-premises platform is little endian, the onpremises
database release is or higher, and the on-premises database and
Database Cloud Service database have compatible database character sets and
national character sets.



AIX,Solaris,HPUX are considered big-endian



AIX is big endian, you can not use Remote Cloning (Cloud is on linux that is little endian), so A is wrong. B,C are correct