You are setting up a local IPS package repository on your Oracle Solaris11 server:
You want to point the existing local IPS publisher to the new local IPS repository located in /repo.
These are the stops that you have followed:
1. Download and rsync the contents of the Oracle Solaris11 repository ISO image to the /repo directory.
2. Configure the repository server service properties. The svcprop command display, the IPS relatedproperties:
pkg/inst_root astring/repo
pkg/readonly Boolean true
The 1s command displays the contents of the /repo directory:
Pkg5.repository publisher
The svcs publisher command shows the svc: /application/pkg/server: default service is online.
The pkg publisher command shows the svc: /application/pkg/server: default service is online.
The pkg publisher command still displays:
Which steps needs to be performed to set the local IPS publisher to the local IPS repository/repo?
Issue the pkgrepo refresh -s command to refresh the repository.
Restart the svc:/application/pkg/server:default service.
pkg set-publisher command to set the new repository location.
Issue the pkgrepo rebuild command to rebuild the repository.
Issue the pkgrepo set command to set the new repository location.
Set the Publisher Origin To the File Repository URI
To enable client systems to get packages from your local file repository, you need to reset the origin for the
solaris publisher. Execute the following command on each client:
# pkg set-publisher -G ‘*’ -M ‘*’ -g /net/host1/export/repoSolaris11/ solaris