Which two statements regarding the pkg command are correct?
It requires HTTP to connect to a remote repository.
It uses the set-publisher subcommand to remove an origin.
It cannot point to both sticky and nonsticky publishers in the same repository.
It uses the unset-publisher subcommand to remove publishers.
It uses the set-publisher subcommand to remove publishers.
A: Configure pkg.depotd to provide remote access. pkg.depotd provides an HTTP interface to a pkg repo. Here
we are going to make the repo server listen on port 10000, and use the repo dir we created as its default.
# svcadm disable pkg/server
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root = /data/myrepo
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 10000
# svcadm refresh pkg/server
# svcadm enable pkg/server
B: Set-Publisher
With -G (–remove-origin), remove the URI or path from the list of origins for the given publisher. The special
value * can be used to remove all origins.Incorrect:
Not D: unset-publisher publisher …
Remove the configuration associated with the given publisher or publisher
Not E: set-publisher
Update an existing publisher or add a package publisher. If no options affecting search order are specified, new
publishers are appended to the search order and are thus searched last.