Which of the following provides a non-graphical, text based interface for users who are visually impaired that can be used as a screen reader?

Which of the following provides a non-graphical, text based interface for users who are visually impaired that can be used as a screen reader?

Which of the following provides a non-graphical, text based interface for users who are visually impaired that can be used as a screen reader?





Emacspeak (code.google.com/p/emacspeak/) is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. Emacspeak speech-enables local and remote information via a consistent and well-integrated user interface. Available free of cost, Emacspeak has dramatically changed how the author and hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet by providing efficient speech-enabled access to the audio desktop. Emacspeak/Linux provides a reliable, stable speech-friendly solution that opens up the Internet to visually impaired users around the world.

EasySpeech is a development utility that helps you speech-enable Windows programs.

xscreen = ???
textconvert = ???

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