Examine the data in the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table.
Lex De Haan
Renske Ladwig
Jose Manuel Urman
Jason Mallin
You want to extract only those customer names that have three names and display the * symbol in place of the
first name as follows:
*** De Haan
**** Manuel Urman
Which two queries give the required output? (Choose two.)
SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘)), LENGTH(cust_name), ‘*’) “CUST NAME”
FROM customers
WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘, 1, 2)<>0;
SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘)), LENGTH(cust_name), ‘*’) “CUST NAME”
FROM customers
WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘, -1, 2)<>0;
SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘)), LENGTH(cust_name)- INSTR(cust_name,
”), ‘*’) “CUST NAME”
FROM customers
WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘, -1, -2)<>0;
SELECT LPAD(SUBSTR(cust_name, INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘)), LENGTH(cust_name)- INSTR(cust_name, ‘
‘), ‘*’) “CUST NAME”
FROM customers
WHERE INSTR(cust_name, ‘ ‘, 1, 2)<>0 ;
The SUBSTR(string, start position, number of characters) function accepts three parameters and returns a string consisting of the number of characters extracted from the source string, beginning at the specified start position:
The INSTR(source string, search item, [start position],[nth occurrence of search item]) function returns a number that represents the position in the source string, beginning from the given start position, where the nth occurrence of the search item begins:
SUBSTR(‘This is a test’, 6, 2)
Result: ‘is’
SUBSTR(‘This is a test’, 6)
Result: ‘is a test’
SUBSTR(‘TechOnTheNet’, 1, 4)
Result: ‘Tech’
SUBSTR(‘TechOnTheNet’, -3, 3)
Result: ‘Net’
SUBSTR(‘TechOnTheNet’, -6, 3)
Result: ‘The’
SUBSTR(‘TechOnTheNet’, -8, 2)
Result: ‘On’
LPAD(‘tech’, 7);
Result: ‘ tech’
LPAD(‘tech’, 2);
Result: ‘te’
LPAD(‘tech’, 8, ‘0’);
Result: ‘0000tech’
LPAD(‘tech on the net’, 15, ‘z’);
Result: ‘tech on the net’
LPAD(‘tech on the net’, 16, ‘z’);
Result: ‘ztech on the net’
A & B