Identify three valid options for adding a pluggable database (PDB) to an existing multitenant container database
Use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create a PDB using the files from the SEED.
Use the CREATE DATABASE . . . ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to provision a PDB by
copying file from the SEED.
Use the DBMS_PDB package to clone an existing PDB.
Use the DBMS_PDB package to plug an Oracle 12c non-CDB database into an existing CDB.
Use the DBMS_PDB package to plug an Oracle 11 g Release 2 ( non-CDB database into an
existing CDB.
Use the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement to create a pluggable database (PDB).
This statement enables you to perform the following tasks:
* (A) Create a PDB by using the seed as a template
Use the create_pdb_from_seed clause to create a PDB by using the seed in the multitenant container database
(CDB) as a template. The files associated with the seed are copied to a new location and the copied files are
then associated with the new PDB.
* (C) Create a PDB by cloning an existing PDB
Use the create_pdb_clone clause to create a PDB by copying an existing PDB (the source PDB) and then
plugging the copy into the CDB. The files associated with the source PDB are copied to a new location and the
copied files are associated with the new PDB. This operation is called cloning a PDB.
The source PDB can be plugged in or unplugged. If plugged in, then the source PDB can be in the same CDB
or in a remote CDB. If the source PDB is in a remote CDB, then a database link is used to connect to the
remote CDB and copy the files.
* Create a PDB by plugging an unplugged PDB or a non-CDB into a CDB
Use the create_pdb_from_xml clause to plug an unplugged PDB or a non-CDB into a CDB, using an XML
metadata file.