Which two are true about the allocation of I/O resources by IORM within the CELLSRV process?
Database Writer I/O always prioritized over all user I/O.
If two consumer groups P and Q in the PROD database get 20% and 10% respectively of resource
allocation, then the percentage of I/O resource would be the same if they got 10% and 5% respectively, and
the interdatabase plan has changed, provided that the category plan is unchanged, and consumer groups P
and Q are still mapped to the same categories.
If two consumer groups C and D in the PROD database get 10% and 15% respectively, of resource
allocation, then the percentage of I/O resource would be the same if they still got 10% and 15%
respectively, and were remapped to a different category by the DBA, provided that the category plans and
the interdatabase plans are unchanged.
If two consumer groups A and B in the PROD database get 10% and 15% respectively, of resource
allocation, then the percentage of I/O resource would be the same if they got 20% and 30% respectively,
provided that the category plans and interdatabase plans are unchanged, and consumer groups A and B
are still mapped to the same category.
Log Writer I/O and Control File I/O are always prioritized over all user I/O.