Which two tasks would you perform to test the new stati…

You want to generate statistics for new objects added to an OLTP application without
affecting old statistics and the sessions that currently use them. Which two tasks would you
perform to test the new statistics?(Choose two.)

You want to generate statistics for new objects added to an OLTP application without
affecting old statistics and the sessions that currently use them. Which two tasks would you
perform to test the new statistics?(Choose two.)

Set theOPTIMIZER_USE_PENDING_STATISTICSinitialization parameter toTRUEfor
the session.

Set theSTALE_PERCENTstatistics preference to zero and then gather statistics.

Set thePUBLISHstatistics preference toFALSEand then gather statistics.

Use theDBMS_STATS.PUBLISH_PENDING_STATSprocedure to make pending
statistics the current statistics.

Set theNO_INVALIDATEstatistics preference toFALSEand gather statistics without
affecting old statistics.

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