Identify three valid reasons for creating multiple griddisks on a single harddisk-based celldisk.
to implement storage realms so that storage that can be reserved for specific resource consumer groups in
the same database
to enable the creation of normal or high redundancy ASM diskgroups
to segregate storage into multiple pools with different performance characteristics
to enable disk mirroring for the system area
to implement storage realms so that storage can be reserved for specific databases
to implement storage realms so that storage that can be reserved for specific Grid Infrastructure
Creating multiple grid disks per cell disk allows you to create multiple pools of storage on the same Exadata
Storage Server. The multiple grid disks can be assigned to separate ASM diskgroups, which can beprovisioned to different databases.
Note: Griddisk is a logical disk that can be created on a celldisk. In a standard Exadata deployment we create griddisks on hard disk based celldisks only. While it is possible to create griddisks on flashdisks, this is not a standard practice.
F: After you complete the cell configuration, you can perform the following optional steps on the storage cell:
Add the storage cell to the Exadata Cell realm
Configure security on the Oracle Exadata Storage Server grid disks