Which three settings are required to configure an openLdap to use directory service provided by Ldap.example.com?

Which three settings are required to configure an openLdap to use directory service
provided by Ldap.example.com?

Which three settings are required to configure an openLdap to use directory service
provided by Ldap.example.com?

Set LDAP Search Base DN and the LDAP server address and port in /etc/ldap.conf to:
dc=example, dc=com ldap://ldap.example.com:389

Ensure that /etc/nsswitch.conf correctly references authentication priorities: passed: files
ldap shadow: files ldap group: files ldap

Ensure that the LDAP server name can be resolved.

Ensure that DNS is used to resolve the LDAP server name.

Set the LDAP Search Base DN and the LDAP server address and post in
/etc/openldap/ldap.conf to: dc=example, dc = com ldap://ldap.example.com:389


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