What happens if you reboot a Ksplice Uptrack-enabled system when the following conditions exist?

What happens if you reboot a Ksplice Uptrack-enabled system when the following
conditions exist? 1. The Internet is unreachable due to a failing router. 2. The
INSTALL_ON_REBOOT property is set to YES in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf.

What happens if you reboot a Ksplice Uptrack-enabled system when the following
conditions exist? 1. The Internet is unreachable due to a failing router. 2. The
INSTALL_ON_REBOOT property is set to YES in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf.

The system boots to single-user mode.

The Ksplice updates are applied early in the boot sequence despite the fact that the

internet is unreachable.

The Ksplice updates are not applied during the boot sequence, but they will be applied
as soon as the Internet becomes reachable again.

The updates are not applied during the boot sequence and will not be applied after the
Internet has become reachable again.

The system waits in the boot sequence for the internet to become reachable again.

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