Which two steps should be performed to permit using SSH, SCP, or SFTP commands…?

Which two steps should be performed to permit using SSH, SCP, or SFTP commands by
the ORACLE account on the host FAROUT to the oracle account on the host WAYOUT
without supplying a password?

Which two steps should be performed to permit using SSH, SCP, or SFTP commands by
the ORACLE account on the host FAROUT to the oracle account on the host WAYOUT
without supplying a password?

The Oracle account user on host FAROUT must set the permissions in
~/oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys file 644.

The oracle account user on host FAROUT must issue an ssh-keygen command to
generate public and private key files in the ~ oracle/.ssh directory FAROUT.

The oracle account user on the host WAYOUT must issue an ssh-keygen command to
generate public and private key files in the ~/oracle.ssh directory on WAYOUT.

The Oracle account user on host FAROUT must add the contents of
~/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa.pub or ~/oracle/.ssh/is_rsa.pub file to the
~/oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys file on host WAYOUT.

The oracle account user on host WAYOUT must set the permissions on the
~/oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys file to 644.

The Oracle account user on host WAYOUT must add the contents of
~/oracle/.ddh/id_dsa or ~/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file to the ~/oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys file
on host FAROUT.

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