Which three statements are true concerning the two cron jobs listed?

As root, you enter a crontab command as shown; [root@FAROUT cron.daily] # crontab -1
*/2 * * * * vmstat 0 0 1 1-5 * iostat [root@FAROUT cron.daily] # Which three statements are
true concerning the two cron jobs listed?

As root, you enter a crontab command as shown; [root@FAROUT cron.daily] # crontab -1
*/2 * * * * vmstat 0 0 1 1-5 * iostat [root@FAROUT cron.daily] # Which three statements are
true concerning the two cron jobs listed?

All cron job output is sent to /var/log/messages.

The iostat command runs at midnight on the first day of each of the first five months of
the year.

All cron job output is sent to the root user’s mall.

The vmstat command runs every second minute.

The vmstat command runs every other hour.

The vmstat command runs twice per hour.

The iostat command runs at midnight of every day except Sunday.

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