Which statement describes the outcome?

Examine the UserDir directives in this extract from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: <IfModule
mod_userdir.c> UserDir enabled user1 UserDir disabled user1 UserDir punlic_html
</IfModule> The web server URL is http://host01. A website server URL is http://host01. A
user attempts to access user1’s webpages using this URL: httpd:/host01/~user1 Which
statement describes the outcome?

Examine the UserDir directives in this extract from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: <IfModule
mod_userdir.c> UserDir enabled user1 UserDir disabled user1 UserDir punlic_html
</IfModule> The web server URL is http://host01. A website server URL is http://host01. A
user attempts to access user1’s webpages using this URL: httpd:/host01/~user1 Which
statement describes the outcome?

The occurrence of user1 in the list of enabled users allows access to the website
contained in user1’s public_html subdirectory, overriding the disabled directive.

The configuration produces an error upon web server startup, because the enabled and
disabled directive conflict.

The occurrence user1 in the list of disabled users causes an access denied error to the
website contained in user1’1 public_html subdirecroty, overriding the enabled directive.

Access is guaranteed because the UserDir public_html directive applies default access
to all local users on the system, overriding the enabled of disabled directive.

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