You want to install the openldap software package to a now boot environment for testing before introducing the
now software package to the production environment. What option describes the correct procedure to:
1) create a new BE named nowBE
2) install the software to that new BE only
pkg install –newBE openldap
pkg install –be-nama newBE openldap
beadm create newBEbeadm mount newBE /mntpkg -R /mnt update openldap
beadm create newBEbeadm activate newBEpkg install openldap
If you want to create a backup of an existing boot environment, for example, prior to modifying the original boot
environment, you can use the beadm command to create and mount a new boot environment that is a clone of
your active boot environment. This clone is listed as an alternate boot environment in the GRUB menu for x86
systems or in the boot menu for SPARC systems.
When you clone a boot environment by using the beadm create command, all supported zones in that boot
environment are copied into the new boot environment.
How to Create a Boot Environment
1. Become the root role.
2. Create the boot environment.
# beadm create BeName
BeName is a variable for the name of the new boot environment. This new boot environment is inactive.
3. (Optional) Use the beadm mount command to mount the new boot environment.
# beadm mount BeName mount-point
Note: If the directory for the mount point does not exist, the beadm utility creates the directory, then mounts the
boot environment on that directory.If the boot environment is already mounted, the beadm mount command fails and does not remount the boot
environment at the newly specified location.
4. (Optional) Activate the boot environment.
# beadm activate BeName
BeName is a variable for the name of the boot environment to be activated.
On reboot, the newly active boot environment is displayed as the default selection in the x86 GRUB menu or
the SPARC boot menu.