A user has launched an EBS backed EC2 instance. What will be the difference while performing the restart or
stop/start options on that instance?
For restart it does not charge for an extra hour, while every stop/start it will be charged as a separate
Every restart is charged by AWS as a separate hour, while multiple start/stop actions during a single
hour will be counted as a single hour
For every restart or start/stop it will be charged as a separate hour
For restart it charges extra only once, while for every stop/start it will be charged as a separate hour
For an EC2 instance launched with an EBS backed AMI, each time the instance state is changed from stop to
start/ running, AWS charges a full instance hour, even if these transitions happen multiple times within a single
hour. Anyway, rebooting an instance AWS does not charge a new instance billing hour.
Answer is C.
“Each time you start a stopped instance we charge a full instance hour, even if you make this transition multiple times within a single hour.”
justin is correct
No, Justin is NOT right. A restart will not result in a new billing hour. A stop and start will. So it is A.
C is coreect.
and… maybe, Questions is wrong.
“reboot” an instance AWS does not charge a new instance billing hour.
reboot. NOT restart.
restart is simply no different “stop and start”
C is WRONG. The correct answer is A.
For C, you have the read it carefully, it says it says “restart or start/stop”. The restart part does not get charged.
A restart does NOT incur charge for an extra hour. Only the the stop/start incur a charge.
A reboot you do from a the EC2 console from the eActions menu.
Yenny, A restart is different from a “stop and start”. A restart you do from within the EC2 instance itself.
A reboot and restart are the same thing billing wise. Just where you initiate it different.
A restart does appear to be the same as a start/stop but does appear to be different from a reboot (done from inside the OS). For a restart you do get billed (for the entire hour) but not for a reboot and the reason seems to be that in a reboot, the instance (VM) continues running.
The difference is explained here – https://alestic.com/2011/09/ec2-reboot-stop-start/
In light of this, I’d go with C.
As per other questions in this exam, and according to AWS documentation it is definitely A. Restarts are not charged as separate hours. Every time you START and instance it is charged. Stops are not charged, as that part of the process is simply discontinuing the billing. Reboots done within the system are not counted as a STOP/START cycle.
A is a better response, although C is correct too.
According to the AWS definitions:
restart = Stop + Start
reboot = OS level reboot and can be performed from OS or Console.
A is wrong because a restart is charged an hour.
C is the CORRECT answer in this case
Following words are from the link which you posted:
“Rebooting an instance doesn’t start a new instance billing hour, unlike stopping and restarting your instance.”
so – A
A!!! b/c, “Rebooting an instance doesn’t start a new instance billing hour, unlike stopping and restarting your instance.” http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-reboot.html
The answer should be A.
– Stop/Start(The instance runs on a new host computer). You stop incurring charges for an instance as soon as its state changes to stopping. Each time an instance transitions from stopped to running, we start a new instance billing hour.
– Rebooting(The instance stays on the same host computer) instance billing hour doesn’t change.
– You stop incurring charges for an instance as soon as its state changes to shutting-down.
A is the answer
As per the below docs, “Restart-EC2Instance” command on Windows PowerShell will Invokes the RebootInstances operation against Amazon EC2. In light of this doc, restart refers to reboot and hence AWS should not charge. Hence A is the answer
For RESTART it does NOT charge for an extra hour, while every stop/start it will be charged as a separate hour.