How does View handle this scenario?

An administrator decreases the maximum number of desktops within a floating-assigned pool. As
a result, there are more users logged in than the new configured maximum.
How does View handle this scenario?

An administrator decreases the maximum number of desktops within a floating-assigned pool. As
a result, there are more users logged in than the new configured maximum.
How does View handle this scenario?

A temporary pool is created for the desktops over the maximum until they are logged off, at
which time they are deleted.

A message is sent to the users over the new maximum that they will be logged off in 5 minutes,
and those desktops are deleted.

Idle desktops are deleted based on longest inactive period until the number of desktops is
below the new maximum.

As users log off, those desktops are deleted until the number of desktops is below the new

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